
  • Feldman, A., Belova, N., Eilks, I., Kapanadze, M., Mamlok-Naaman, R., Rauch, F., & Taşar, M. F. (2024). Science Teacher Action Research in Top Tier Science Education Journals: A Review of the Literature. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 1-27. https://doi.org/10.1080/1046560X.2024.2366713
  • Javakhishvili, N., Kapanadze, M., & Dzagania, L. (2024). Individual, Vocational, and Societal Dimensions of Relevance of Science Education. Science Education International, 35(1), 40- 53.
  • Kapanadze, M., Javakhishvili, N., & Dzagania, L. (2023). Investigating the relationship between students' interest in physics and environmental attitudes in Georgia. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 19(8), em2308. https://doi.org/10.29333/ejmste/13429
  • Kapanadze, M., Jonas-Ahrend, G., Mazzolini, A., and Joubran, F. (2023) Evaluation of Physics Textbooks, in The International Handbook of Physics Education Research: Special Topics, edited by M. F. Taşar and P. R. L. Heron. (pp. 17-1–17-30), AIP Publishing, Melville, New York.

  • Feldman, A., Belova, N., Eilks, I., Kapanadze, M., Mamlok-Naaman, R., Rauch, F., & Taşar, M. F. (2022). Action Research: A Promising Strategy for Science Teacher Education. In Handbook of Research on Science Teacher Education (pp. 352-362). Routledge.

  • Slovinsky, E., Kapanadze, M., & Bolte, C. (2021). The Effect of a Socio-Scientific Context-Based Science Teaching Program on Motivational Aspects of the Learning Environment.EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education17(8), em1992.   https://doi.org/10.29333/ejmste/11070

  • Nadiradze, L., Kapanadze, M., Kvirkvelia, B. (2020) Use of Technologies, as the effective instrument for enhancing of motivation in the process of Physics Teaching, INTED2020 Proceedings, ISBN: 978-84-09-17939-8, ISSN: 2340-1079, doi: 21125/inted.2020.0828, (pp. 2768-2773)

  • Eilks, I., Frerichs, N., Kapanadze, M., Laudonia, I., Krause, M. und Rauch, F. (2020) ARTIST – Eine internationale Kooperation zur Stärkung von Aktionsforschung in der Lehrer/innenbildung. In: A. Habicher, C. Juen-Kretschmer, T. Kosler, C. Lechner, C. Oberhauser, A. Oberrauch, M. Tursky-Philadelphy, F. Rauch, & A. Schuster (Ed.), Nachhaltige Bildung, Wien:Präsens (2020), (pp. 169 – 183)

  • Kapanadze, M. (2019) Implementation of the Chain Reaction project in Georgia. In: S. Bevins (eds.), L. Lehane (eds.) & J. Booth (eds.),Comparative Perspectives on Inquiry-Based Science Education. IGI Global Publishing, DOI 10.4018/978-1-5225-5439-4

  • Eilks, I., Freirichs, N. & Kapanadze, M. (2018) Action Research to Innovate Science Teaching. In: I. Eilks, S. Markic & B. Ralle (eds.), Building Bridges Across Disciplines, Publisher: Aachen, Shaker, (pp. 191-196).

  • Kapanadze, M., Bagatrishvili, N. &  Slovinsky E., (2017) Science Education for Sustainable Future and project ‘‘Chain Reaction’’ in Georgia. Vol. 44/2017, DARUNA, (pp. 59 – 66)

  • Sheety, A., Kapanadze, M. & Joubran, F., (2017) High School Teachers’ Perceptions Regarding Inquiry-Based Curricula in United States, Georgia, and Israel. In: C. Roofe, C. Bezzina (eds.), Intercultural Studies of Curriculum, Intercultural Studies in Education, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-60897-6_4

  • Kapanadze, M., Slovinsky E. &  Bagatrishvili, N., (2016) Pupil Research Briefs – Implementation of the project Chain Reaction in Georgia. In: I. Eilks, S. Markic & B. Ralle (eds.), Science Education Research and Practical Work, Publisher: Aachen, Shaker, (pp. 71 -80)

  • Kapanadze, M., Bolte, C., Schulte, Th., Slovinsky, E., (2015) Stakeholders’ Views on Science Education – Curricular Delphi Study in Georgia.American Educational Research Journal 0 3(7), (pp. 897-906).

  • Kapanadze, M., Bolte, C., Schneider, V., Slovinsky, E., (2015) Enhencing Science Teachers’ Continious Professional Development in the Field of IBSE and other Aspects of Inovative Science Lessons. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 2015, Vol.14, (2), (pp. 254 -266).

  • Kapanadze, M., & Slovinsky, E., (2014). Stakeholders’ Views on Science Education in Georgia – Curricular Delphi Study. In: C. Bolte, J. Holbrook, R., Mamlok-Naaman, & F. Rauch, (Eds.). Science Teachers’ Continuous Professional Development in Europe. Case Studies from the PROFILES Project (pp. 24 – 30). Berlin: Freie Universität Berlin (Germany) / Klagenfurt: Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt (Austria).

  • Kapanadze, M., & Slovinsky, E., (2014). Teacher’ Owenership towards developing new PROFILES Modules. In: C. Bolte, & F. Rauch, (Eds.). Enhancing Inquiry-based Science Education and Teachers’ Continuous Professional development in Europe: Insights and Reflections on the PROFILES Project and other PROJECTS funded by the EUROPEAN Commission.  (pp. 118 – 121). Berlin: Freie Universität Berlin (Germany) / Klagenfurt: Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt (Austria).

  • Kapanadze, M., & Slovinsky, E., (2014). Inquiry-based Science Education within the Project PROFILES in Georgia. In: C. Bolte, & F. Rauch, (Eds.). Enhancing Inquiry-based Science Education and Teachers’ Continuous Professional development in Europe: Insights and Reflections on the PROFILES Project and other PROJECTS funded by the EUROPEAN Commission.  (pp. 112 – 118). Berlin: Freie Universität Berlin (Germany) / Klagenfurt: Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt (Austria).

  • Kapanadze, Marika, Slovinsky Ekaterine; (2014) Science Education for Sustainable Development and Project Chain Reaction in Georgia, In: I. Eilks, S. Markic, & B. Ralle (eds.), Science education research and education for sustainable development, Publisher: Aachen: Shaker (2014), (pp. 291-296)

  • Kapanadze, Marika, Eilks, Ingo; (2014) Supporting Reform in Science Education in Central and Eastern Europe – Reflections and Perspectives from the Project TEMPUS-SALiS, Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 2014, 10(1), (pp. 47-58)

  • Theresa Shulte; Claus Bolte; Marika Kapanadze & Co. A Comparative Analysis of Stakeholders’ Views on Science Education from five Different PROFILES Partner Countries – Results of the Second Round of the PROFILES Curricular Delphi Study on Science Education.In: Proceedings of the 10th ESERA Conference, 2013Nicosia.

  • Vincent Schneider; Marika Kapanadze; Claus Bolte; Ekaterine Slovinsky.: Project PROFILES and Development of  In-service Teachers’ “Stages of Concerns” Regarding IBSE in the Context of the Implementation of PROFILES Modules in Georgia. Proceedings of the International Conference on Physics Education, ICPE-EPEC, 2013, Prague, (pp.1039 – 1043)

  • Kapanadze, Marika; Markic Silvjia.: A broad view on Georgian science teachers´ and science student teachers` beliefs about teaching and learning. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 2013, 9(2), (pp. 143-154)

  • Eilks, Ingo; Kapanadze, Marika: Student Active Learning in Science (SALiS) – The theoretical and organisational framework of a TEMPUS IV project. In: Chimica nella Scuola (2013)

  • Eilks, Ingo; Kapanadze, Marika: Student Active Learning in Science (SALiS) The theoretical and organisational framework of a TEMPUS IV project . In: Collection of papers of the SALiS final conference, Tbilisi/GE (2012), (pp. 6-9)

  • Kapanadze, Marika.: The Impact of the TEMPUS-project SALiS from the Perspective of Georgia. In: Chemistry in Action 97 (2012), (pp. 35-36)

  • Eilks, Ingo; Kapanadze, Marika; Childs, Peter E.: Student Active Learning in Science (SALiS) – An introduction to the special issue. In: Chemistry in Action 97 (2012), (pp. 5-7a)

  • Kapanadze, Marika; Janashia, Simon; Eilks, Ingo : Science teacher education by the cross regional TEMPUS-project SALiS . In: S. Markic, I. Eilks, D. di Fuccia, & B. Ralle (eds.), Heterogeneity and Cultural Diversity in Science Education and Science Education Research, Aachen: Shaker (2012), (pp. 215-218)

  • Kapanadze, Marika; Janashia, Simon; Makashvili, Malkhaz; Eilks, Ingo; Stuckey, Marc; Markic, Silvija : Schüleraktives und Inquiry-orientiertes Lehren und Lernen fördern im TEMPUS-Projekt SALiS. In: D. Höttecke (Hrsg.), Konzepte fachdidaktischer Strukturierung für den Unterricht, Münster: Lit (2012), (pp. 586-588)

  • Kapanadze, Marika; Janashia, Simon; Makashvili, Malkhaz; Eilks, Ingo; Stuckey, Marc; Markic, Silvija: Promoting student-active and inquiry-based science learning by the project SALiS. In: Proceedings of the 9th ESERA Conference, Lyon 2011 (2012)

  • Kapanadze M, Eilks I, Janashia S, Markis S, Stucky M, SALiS: Promoting Student Active  Learning in Science,  GDCP Jahrestagungsband, Oldenburg, Deutschland, 2011

  • Kapanadze M, Computersimulationen in Unterricht, GDCP Jahrestagungsband, Potsdam,  In: D. Höttecke (Hrsg.), Naturwissenschaftliche Bildung als Beitrag zur Gestaltung partizipativer Demokratie, Berlin: Lit (2011), (pp. 525-527)

  • Kapanadze, Marika; Janashia, Simon; Eilks, Ingo : From science education in the soviet time, via national reform initiatives, towards an international network to support inquiry-based science education – The case of Georgia and the project SALiS. In: I. Eilks & B. Ralle (eds.), Contemporary science education, Aachen: Shaker (2010), (pp. 237-242)

  • Kapanadze M., Tsereteli M. Naturwissenschaftliches Denken in der Lehrerausbildung von  Georgien, GDCP Jahrestagungsband, Dresden, In: D. Höttecke (Hrsg.), Entwicklung naturwissenschaftlichen Denkens zwischen Phänomen und Systematik, Berlin: Lit (2010), (pp. 464-466)

  • Kapanadze M.,  Slovinskaya  E., Saginadze  N. Schwerpunkte der Entwicklung der Lehrerstandards in Georgien, GDCP Jahrestagungsband,  Schwebisch-Gmuend, In: D. Höttecke (Hrsg.), Chemie- und Physikdidaktik für die Lehramtsausbildung, Berlin: Lit (2009), (pp. 472-473)